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Coisas que fazem os meus dias...!!

por Marina Ricardo, em 04.10.12

It's been a decade now since I won American Idol. Sometimes it feels longer because although it has been exciting that was a lot of pressure to have as a 19 year old girl. To own a company, lead an organization as a business woman, and be able to create music I'm proud of has been tough, but inspiring, for me. To celebrate the strength and longevity that my fans, friends, and family have supported me with I wrote this song "Catch my Breath" with one of my best friends that has seen me through everything. This song represents who I've been, what I've felt, and where I'm headed as not only an artist but as a 30 year old that is now smart enough to know that it's time to stop, catch my breath, and be proud of not only what has been accomplished but of all the people that have helped me become the woman I am today. The song will be part of my first ever greatest hits (!!) coming in November. Thank you everyone that has been a part of my career and life. Here's to another decade of passion and fun! I hope you like the song…its coming next week!

publicado às 16:27


por Marina Ricardo, em 04.10.12

Tracei o meu caminho a tinta-da-china.

Preto, traço fino, linha constante. Sem esborrar.

Estendi a folha de papel imaculado à doce brisa, oh suave sopro.

Deixei-a lá fora, minha vida na linha preta de tinta-da-china, esperando vê-la seca e duradoura na manhã seguinte.

Mas, o vento, forte da noite fria, borrou a tinta, deixando a linha tão cuidadamente pintada, transformada em borrão negro.

Imprecisão feita de simplicidade. Confusão feita de rotina.

Agora, o caminho certeiro é viagem indefinida, ser rumo, sem destino.

Os sérios e perfeitos com quem me cruzava foram-se com o vento que levou parte da tinta. São os loucos, os que procuram o seu destino, é por esses que estou rodeada. E é aí que estou completa dentro do furacão que a vendaval trouxe e não mais levou.


publicado às 01:17

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Outubro 2012


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